7 Podcasts Every Canadian Should Subscribe to in 2025
Pod the North’s top podcast recommendations keeping Canadians informed and connected:
In 2025, Canadians find themselves in stressful, confusing, and expensive times. Here are Pod the North’s top podcast recommendations keeping Canadians informed and connected:
The Hatchet
There isn’t a single Canadian adult out there who hasn’t complained about taxes. As our futures look more uncertain and the cost of living only seems to get more expensive, countless of us are trying to find out where our hard earned dollars are going. The Hatchet, the latest project from Arshy Mann and Jordan Cornish, is aimed at unraveling it all–exposing power and money in Canada through fascinating and original journalism.
Matriarch Movement
No Canadian can truly have the full perspective of our country if they’re not listening to the Indigenous Peoples of this land. On the Matriarch Movement podcast, host Shayla Oulette Stonechild has candid conversations with Indigenous creatives, activists, and thought-leaders, sharing earnest and complex views on the modern world and existing within it. Matriarch Movement is funny, warm, and welcoming, but at its core is a space for Indigenous peoples and settlers alike to understand the realities of reconciliation, and serves as subtle raised fist that’s bringing power back to the people.
Front Burner
As Canadians, we’re in a particularly unique position when it comes to global affairs. Global climate initiatives are falling flat, Canadian life is only getting more expensive, and we too are feeling the rise in fascism growing around the world. This is all concerning. That’s why, if it isn’t already, Front Burner should be on your queue as the daily news podcast that’s importantly delivered through a Canadian lens. Host Jayme Poisson is a powerhouse, unpacking stories with poise and humility, and she isn’t afraid to ask tough questions and hold her guests accountable.
The BetaKit Podcast
Let’s face it, technology is one of the most significant parts of Canadian life. It’s not going anywhere. Meta is blocking Canadians from seeing and sharing their news. Canadian-born Shopify has shut down its Indigenous entrepreneurship program. It’s crucial that Canada has a healthy tech ecosystem and that Canadians are able to build and innovate. The BetaKit Podcast is where you’ll find the latest news on Canadian tech and entrepreneurship, where it sits on the global stage, and a healthy dose of critiques, wit, and basketball references from host, Douglas Soltys, and his diverse range of guests.
Tech Won’t Save Us
Everyday it seems like tech billionaires run more and more of our world, and Canadians don’t have to look far to see it. As things like single ChatGPT prompts equate to dumping out an entire water bottle, in 2025 and beyond Canadians will need to keep a keen eye on global tech giants and what they’re really unleashing into the world. The podcast Tech Won’t Save Us is the easiest place to do that. The podcast from Canadian tech critic and author, Paris Marx, dissects the global tech industry, the powerful people at its helm, and challenges the notion that tech alone can drive our world forward.
Canadian True Crime
As one of the most popular podcasts in Canada, I’d be surprised if Canadian True Crime wasn’t on your queue already. But if you’ve been hesitant about the True Crime genre of podcasts, this is your sign to test the waters. In each episode, host Kristi Lee carefully and intentionally shares the real story of a crime case from home. But what I love most about the show is that episodes are also an important dissection on Canada’s legal system, often with a reformist point of view. Episodes serve as retrospection as to how things like divorce laws and publication bans have been shaped in our country, for better or for worse.
Backstage at the Vinyl Cafe
Canada’s most beloved live radio program has returned, and is giving its listeners an immersive look behind-the-scenes. The Vinyl Cafe almost single-handedly made me fall in love with radio as a kid; listening to the fictional stories of “Dave, Morley and the kids” narrated by the late, great Stuart McLean in the backseat of my parents car. Now, the podcast Backstage at the Vinyl Cafe joins longtime show producer Jess Milton, as she revisits the program's most popular stories, and shares her tales of touring with the show over its 15-year-run. Backstage at the Vinyl Cafe is a gentle and much-needed reminder to seek out the humanity around us, and embrace life’s simplest joys.
Great list. I'm already subscribed to Tech Won't Save Us and Betakit - I'll add the others; thanks!